Voice of the Employee: Online Reputation Management 2.0 by Jen Piccotti of ManagInc
/A Recap of the Breakout Session from TechCon 2017
Jen Piccotti of ManagInc
You can have as many Pinterest-worthy resident events that you would like, but when it comes down to it, your resident turnover rate is usually right in line with your employee turnover rate. So are your employees happy? Think about how you operate your business with your residents. Many times there are policies in place to ensure that you respond back to any resident communication within a 1 to 2 hour timeframe. Do you have a policy in place for responding to your employees?
The old school of thought was that the customer is always right. We’ve heard this additive for years and years and years. But do you know the origins of this phrase? It was coined by Harry Gordon Selfridge, the owner of Selfridge Department Store in London, England in 1909! 1909! Think of how many things have evolved in 108 years. The new phrase that we should be focusing on is by another Brit, the very successful Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic, “The way you treat your employees is the way that they will treat your customers.”
Think about customer service in the grand scheme of things. Who comes to mind as to having superior customer service? How about comparing Chick-fil-a to McDonald’s? In my experience, at McDonald’s, I’m lucky to get my order correct and the interaction between myself and the employee is nothing remarkable. But now think of a Chick-fil-a experience. It is always their pleasure to help. The quality of the employees is always very noticeable as well. Better pay, better hours, better training. All this correlates to happier employees.
So if you have noticed a high turnover in residents, take a look at your employee turnover. And think of ways that you can better manage your employees to give them a better working environment. Treat them as if you would a resident or a client, and they in turn will enjoy their work experience, which will then give your residents or clients a better experience with your company.