Are you a leader or THE leader?
/Here is a blog post by our new marketing and sales coordinator, Amy Zamostny:
Ryan Avery presents at the Apartment Association of Metro Denver's September Power Lunch
Yesterday, Lance and I went to the monthly PowerLunch hosted by the Apartment Association of Metro Denver. Normally (or so I’m told!) they have just average speakers that don’t really make an impact on you, but yesterday was definitely different. While it was geared towards sales and leasing consultants, Ryan Avery’s message resonated with everyone, because he gave small pieces of advice that are easy to change and better yourself.
The title of Ryan’s seminar was “Go from “A” to “THE”: Stop being a leader and start being THE Leader. Immediately my thoughts went to my alma mater, The Ohio State University. People will ask me where I went to school, and I always say “The Ohio State University.” I’m not trying to be snotty about it, but it’s the legal name. Back in 1878, they were on to something. With over 125 colleges and universities to choose from in Ohio alone, and with 2 other prominent nationally known OSUs, The Ohio State University knew that they were THE leader:
“The “The” was actually part of the state legislation when the university was renamed in 1878. The following excerpt is from the Board of Trustee minutes: ”...the educational institution heretofore known as the ‘Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College,’ shall be known and designated hereafter as ‘The Ohio State University.” Those who wanted the name change thought the original name was too narrow in scope, and that it was inadequate for the institution that was the only beneficiary of the land grant act. President Edward Orton was insistent that a new name would separate the institution from other colleges in Ohio. Legend also has it that “The” was used to show the other colleges which institution was supposed to be the leader in the state - both in size and in financial support from the legislature.”
And Ryan’s program started out with examples similar to that. They showed a football team (my beloved and frustrating Cleveland Browns) and then they showed THE football team (your beloved Super Bowl Champions Denver Broncos). They showed a football player (I can’t even remember who it was) and then they showed THE Peyton Manning. They showed a basketball player (a Denver Nugget, maybe Carmelo?) then they showed THE Michael Jordan. You get the idea. You can be a builder, but you want to be THE builder, the one we want top of mind when anyone thinks of THE builder is Stonebridge Builders.
Here are a few of his thought processes to turn you from a leader to THE leader in whatever your job position is. Once we are all THE leaders of our field, then overall Stonebridge becomes THE leader of apartment renovations in Denver. Think about how each of these can apply in your daily life.
- When a leader talks, people pay attention. But when THE Leader talks, people take action.
- A leader gets ready, but THE leader stays ready
- A leader has confidence, but THE leader demonstrates confidence.
- You should always be prepared with the “4321” for your conversations.
- 4 stories to share at any time: 1 personal success story, 1 professional success story, 1 personal failure story, 1 professional failure story (but never tell a story that does not add value to your situation).
- 3 facts related to your industry
- 2 quotes related to your industry
- 1 question that you can always ask anyon
- Confidence creates competence
- People remember what they see first and feel last.
- 90% of first impressions don’t change
- Silence is the most powerful tool to use in sales
- How your body moves dictates how you speak: Every time you move backwards, it’s a sign of weakness. Step/project your body forward as you speak. (Try this in the mirror. The results are pretty amazing!)
- Eliminate 2 words from your vocabulary: Just and Only. Lose those words and your confidence will soar. i.e. It’s just me in the marketing department. I’m the only one in the marketing department. I am the marketing department.
- Words are free, but they cost you a lot
- “Do what you love because people are going to criticize you anyway.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
- Do not let one thing ruin everything
- Confidence is the by product of you being courageous. Where can you be more courageous?
A link to the preview of his speech: